∫dT detrended-bfl [ ANACIM ENACTS version2 ALL dekadal climatologies tmean ] climatology: Mean Temperature data
version2 ALL dekadal climatologies tmean adif int_dT Mean Temperature from ANACIM ENACTS: Enhancing National Climate Service initiative.
Independent Variables (Grids)
- Time
- grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) periodic (0000 1 Jan) to (2359 20 Dec) by 0.333333 N= 36 pts :grid
- Longitude (longitude)
- grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (17.5875W) to (11.2125W) by 0.0375 N= 171 pts :grid
- Latitude (latitude)
- grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (12.225N) to (16.8N) by 0.03750001 N= 123 pts :grid
Other Info
- CE
- null
- colorscalename
- temp_colors
- CS
- null
- datatype
- realarraytype
- file_missing_value
- -99.0
- maxncolor
- 254
- missing_value
- NaN
- units
- 86400 degree_Kelvin second
- history
- $integral dT$ detrended-bfl [ ANACIM ENACTS version2 ALL dekadal climatologies tmean ] climatology
- Averaged over T2[0.5, 1080.5] minimum 0.0% data present
Averaged over T2=0000 26 Dec 1980 - 0000 26 Dec 1981 minimum 0.0% data present
Last updated: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 14:58:08 GMT
Expires: Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT